How to Lower Your Chances of Cancer

Each year in the United States, more than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with cancer. Nearly 600,000 people die from it per year, making it the second leading cause of death next to heart disease. Although no cancer is 100% preventable, managing controllable risk factors can lower your chances of developing cancer. For the vast majority of people, their health destiny is determined by how they live, not by their genes. Making informed lifestyle choices that reduce the risks of getting cancer is the best way to control your health destiny.

Determining Your Unique Risk of Developing Cancer

At RevitaLife Health and Wellness, our goal is to help our patients live long, fulfilling lives filled with vitality and meaning. Since cancer is a leading cause of death, working with patients on reducing their unique risks of developing cancer is a top priority. During your initial appointment with us, we will ask questions to determine your individual risks for cancer. We can gauge your risk factors by developing an understanding of your:

  • History of tobacco use
  • History of obesity
  • Alcohol consumption habits
  • Exposure to specific chemicals
  • Exposure to radiation, including ultraviolet radiation from the sun
  • Personal or family history of cancer
  • History of certain types of viral infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV).

Cancer prevention requires smoking cessation, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, moderate use of alcohol, caloric restriction, exercise, avoidance of direct exposure to sunlight, minimal meat consumption, use of whole grains, use of vaccinations and regular medical check-ups. Before you decide that it is impossible to achieve every item on this list, rest assured that we are here to help you, as our patient, every step of the way.

Our Approach to Cancer Prevention

Reducing risks of developing cancer cannot be achieved overnight. Rather, patients of RevitaLife can follow personalized step-by-step plans developed by our board-certified physician, Dr. Pélaez, to enhance immunity to cancer. One of our specialties is creating wellness plans that are sustainable and enjoyable—based on your unique health needs, preferences and lifestyle needs. Dr. Pélaez may run tests on your hormones, thyroid function or blood sugar to determine certain cancer risk factors. After developing a complete picture of your health history and status, he will assemble an easy-to-follow cancer prevention plan based on your unique risks.

How Biological Age Influences Cancer Risks

Chronological age—how many years have passed since birth—is merely a number that has little relevance to how you feel and function. Biological age, however, is a more accurate indicator and predictor of health. It considers how old your cells really are and tests their ability to function. By testing over 850,000 spots on the DNA genome, we can tell how fast you are aging through the TruAge diagnostic tool. By investigating your DNA methylation and determining your biological age, you can make lifestyle changes to reduce the risks of developing age-related diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cancer. A higher biological age correlates with a greater risk of developing age-related diseases. In contrast, a lower biological age correlates with a reduced risk of disease and a longer lifespan.

Knowing Your Risks and Taking Action Against Cancer

Blood sugar can reveal a risk of diabetes and blood pressure can indicate a risk of heart disease. Similarly, biological age evaluates your risk for nearly every age-related disease, including cancer, in one easy metric. After determining your unique risks, our personalized cancer-prevention wellness plan will help you implement sustainable lifestyle changes that will seriously bolster your vitality and resilience to cancer. To learn more about how you can positively influence your health, schedule a consultation with us by calling 850.805.8250.

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