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Today, more than ever before, the health industry needs to work towards coming together to improve patient health and wellness. Although conventional/western medicine and integrative medicine can frequently work hand in hand, the convergence of these two medicines is somewhat rare. However, at Dr. Jorge Peláez 's RevitaLife, we acknowledge the benefits of each discipline and consider them complementary to one another. Whereas western medicine concentrates on addressing a health problem, integrative medicine emphasizes preventing the problem to begin with. It is health optimization medicine.

Conventional / Western medicine

Conventional medicine concentrates on distinguishing disorders through diagnosis. To attain a diagnosis, conventional physicians usually reflect on a collection of behaviors or symptoms and rely on invasive procedures, synthetic medications, and surgical intervention.

In western medicine, the body is not considered as a whole, but rather, as a series of independent organ systems. These systems are usually viewed separately. This tendency has led to the conceptualization of the individual organ from which the problem originates.

Over the last 100 years, conventional medicine has continually made remarkable strides in particular areas of the medical field, including:

  • Infectious disease
  • Emergency medicine
  • Surgical intervention
  • Diagnostic radiology

For various, at times unclear, reasons, this model of medicine has been applied to the entire spectrum of healthcare, including nutrition, chronic disease management, and preventative medicine: Unfortunately, providing patients with just mediocre results.

The continued suppression of symptoms and lack of determining the cause of the problem has led to a deterioration of these vital aspects of healthcare. Furthermore, there is widespread dissatisfaction among both patients and practitioners. This is why, after nearly 20 years as a neurologist, Dr. Peláez decided to concentrate on using integrative medicine.

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine concentrates on integrating western medicine with alternative modalities. This holistic form of medicine uses aspects of conventional and non-conventional medicine, including naturopathy.

Integrative medicine is proactive; whereas, conventional medicine is reactive. Alternative medicine considers that illness is a result of some type of nutritional deficiency, which is resolved through therapeutic nutrient supplementation. However, integrative physicians frequently utilize aspects of conventional medicine when diagnosing their patients. These aspects include laboratory testing and radiographic imaging (blood tests, x-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds, etc.).

In terms of disease, physicians are trained to think reactively, however, Dr. Peláez strived to find a preventative approach with a holistic path: Integrative medicine is the answer he was looking for. Integrative medicine is healing oriented, taking the entire person into account (mind, body, and spirit). As an integrative practitioner, Dr. Jorge Peláez views his patients as a whole when he is assessing, diagnosing and determining a patient's treatment. As opposed to just masking a patient’s symptoms, Dr. Peláez concentrates on finding the reason these symptoms are occurring.